Sunday, August 31, 2008

Why The Sampler Platter has been empty lately

In case you happen upon this blog, I wanted to let you know why I haven't updated it since April. I've been devoting all my writing -- and almost every waking hour -- to my current project, Reschool Yourself. I'm a bit obsessed with the project and know that it's what I'm meant to do, since I simply can't stop thinking about it. And despite the steep learning curve involved in buliding a website and new career, I sincerely enjoy the process. I haven't been so happy with my work in a long, long time. Now I just have to find ways to be paid for it!

A bit about the project: This school year, I'm going back to my old classrooms, from kindergarten to college, to explore how at some point my education began to shape me instead of my shaping it. I'm spending time volunteering and participating in every grade from kindergarten through college, doing my schooling again on my own terms. Along the way I'm educating myself in technology, politics, finance -- anything that's intimidated me in the past -- and will be doing traveling apprenticeships & school visits in the spring.

My intention is that Reschool Yourself be not only about me, but about all grown-ups who feel unhappy or stuck, especially because of habits or beliefs developed in school. I want to reschool myself so I can help other adults do the same, in the ways that they choose. I'm dedicated to inspiring a culture of "reschooling" among grown-ups, so we adults can not only be happier for our own sake, but for the sake of our kids and students. I hope that you subscribe to the blog and share projects of your own in the new forums.

I expect to add to The Sampler Platter when I have posts in mind that wouldn't be appropriate for Reschool Yourself, whether in tone or topic. Though I'm largely absent from this site, I'm still living the sampling philosophy every day and hope that you are, too.

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